Monday, March 16, 2009

Mondayyyy Mondayyyy!

Ahh! Monday is probably my favorite day of the week! Why, you ask?

The cubs are off to school (those monday's off about kill me!) so the fighting ends for a few precious hours. Papa usually has to work mondays. So, it is just Little Brother and Mama.

It is nice to have everyone home on the weekend, but after 2 days everything is a mess! I have given in and put off cleaning (for the most part) while everyone is here....its just a losing battle!
Soo, monday mornings LBB gets his dose of Dora, Diego and Kilan (sp) while Mama scrubs the kitchen and bathroom (I cannot believe the places these cubs pee! They just have no control!!-thank heavens for those clorox wipes!) and vacuums and sweeps floors. There is usually a pretty hefty pile of laundry because, as I've said before, Saturday is our veg day and Sunday just doesn't usually feel like a laundry day.

AND today is BEAUTIFUL outside! I even have the patio door open. What is not to love about that?!

Papa and I are off to parent teacher conferences this evening. We really like both of the older cub's teachers and so do they (which always helps). We are prepared to hear that BBB doesn't like to read. We know this. He can read, he can read fast, he can comprehend what he reads...he just doesn't enjoy reading and forcing him to read just isn't helping. We are prepared to hear the MBB rushes to get his work done. Yep, I've talked to him about it, he is his Mama's boy and dislikes cricism, so that talk didn't go too well.

I finally got my new phone activated today. Papa came home early from work and did it for me (my name isn't on the account so they won't have anything to do with me :( ). Well, Mr. Alltel man didn't listen to what Papa wanted. We couldn't understand why Papa's phone wasn't making or recieving calls and why my cute new phone's number showed up as Papa's phone's number on our home phone. I decided to charge my Blackberry and see if that was the culprit. Yep, they cancelled Papa's phone instead of my Blackberry and then gave my cute new phone Papa's old number! Ah well, I'm just glad my name isn't on the account!

1 comment:

  1. Don't ya just love Alltel people???? Hope PTC goes well!!!
